Sunday, May 16, 2004

late at night

what am i going to say (write).... i dunno
but i am going to write anyway, because i just want it.

i was at pupi's place today. it seems that i was not myself, in term that even though my phyical being there, but my mind was somewhere else. but where? that is what i don't know. i was lost in an 'anonymous' dimension. what is going on? (i get that question a lot in couple of this days) to be honest, i don't really know. in my subconcious mind, there was something scraming around. lots of them, i think. i just don't know how to put it. it's just there, but i can't sort it out. at least for that moment.


still nothing....
i think i need some physical workout. i read an article, once, about how we can help the unsubconcious mind to sort things out by having physical activities. i tried it once. we have a team working on to make a ecotourism package. the work were broken up into 4 or five sessions. we work on weekends in gede pangrango. after each session we were urged to have some physical activities (or other activities, for that reason), that don't have anything to do with our work. usually after each comebacks, we have a different point of view (some of them are good, fresh ones, but some are absurd).

may be that is what i need.
thanks guys... for reading this articles. :)

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